Various functionality improvements and fixes
  • Improved the UI for displaying quantities and results all over the application (number of significant digits, showing tonnes for large numbers, etc.)
  • In projects, it is now possible to edit the element, description, and amount/quantity directly in the table in component view
  • Included (x)-buttons to clear the filters in the libraries
  • The "go back to project"-button was moved to the Projects button in the sidepanel
  • The aspect ratios of images are now preserved
  • It is now possible to merge inventories into components even if the inventories do not have products selected. Similarly, products can now be removed from inventories in components.
  • Improved real-time result update
  • Component library items are now loaded much faster and more efficiently
  • Increased the number of significant digits for quantity when importing component from Component library to version
  • Various other fixes and efficiency improvements
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